Saturday, August 4, 2007

Google Documents, Etc.

Well, I am very impressed with all of the online productivity tools that are available online--for free! Before we learned of some of these at the Tech Fair, I had no idea they existed! This is great for anyone who can't spend the large sum of money needed to purchase MS Office software.

I <3 Google, so of course, I had to try out Google Documents. I played around with a couple of different documents, changing the text colors, font faces, and font sizes. I even printed one of my documents to see if everything comes out the same as it appears on screen (it did.) Again, I am amazed that this is available for free. I wish I would have known about this when I was still in college. I would have loved to have shared this tip with my fellow online classmates. I will definitely keep these in mind to share with my patrons.

Good stuff! :-)

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